Winter Vegetables to Grow in Pots. If you appreciate eating fresh produce from your garden, you’re probably used to picking your favourite fruits and veggies in the spring, summer, and fall. But did you know there are several vegetables that will provide you with a harvest even during the coldest months of the year?
Winter veggies may survive in extremely cold conditions and will provide you with something nutritious to eat in the kitchen during a time of year when most other plants are dormant. What makes these vegetables even more astounding is that many of them can be grown successfully in pots and other garden containers.
Winter Vegetables to Grow in Pots

1. Broccoli Rabe
Broccoli rabe may not be as well-known as the normal broccoli plant, but it is a wonderful option for those looking for fresh green veggies in the winter. Plant your broccoli rabe in the late summer to reap a harvest in the early winter. Alternatively, you can start your broccoli rabe seedlings in late winter and harvest them in late spring or summer.
2. Beets
Beetroots are often harvested in the late fall or early spring. It is not uncommon, however, for harvest times to extend into the winter months as well. Beet plants can normally survive temperatures as low as 25 degrees Fahrenheit, or until just before the ground freezes. If temperatures continue above that level, you should be able to harvest your beet plants throughout the winter.
3. Cabbage
Cabbage’s shallow roots are ideal for container planting. Cabbage is another a good veggie to harvest in the early winter. However, while cabbages can be harvested in the winter, you should not wait too long because extended cold exposure can cause a cabbage to split apart. Harvest before that happens and you’ll be eating one of the world’s healthiest crops, making it one of the greatest winter vegetables to grow in pots.
4. Broccoli
Broccoli is a food that most people are familiar with, but many people are unaware that broccoli can withstand frosts and provide a harvest during the winter. And Broccoli, like beets, will survive if the temperature does not constantly fall below 25 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to that, your broccoli plants should be grown in nutrient-rich soil with full sun exposure.
5. Carrots Winter Vegetables to Grow in Pots
Carrots should be at the top of your list if you want to cultivate winter veggies in pots. Plant carrots in late summer for a winter crop, allowing for a 60-day growing period before the first frost. You can keep mature carrots in the ground during the winter, but make sure to collect them before the plant flowers in early April, as flowering will render your carrots inedible.
6. Brussels Sprouts
A single brussels sprout plant is tiny enough to fit neatly in a container and will provide you with an abundance of brussels sprouts to eating. In addition, these plants have a later harvest time than most garden vegetables, which can occur after the first frost of the winter season. In fact, brussels sprouts, like a few other veggies on our list, often taste better after a touch of frost exposure.
7. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is typically harvested in the fall. Some cauliflower types, on the other hand, can withstand mild winters. These types will thrive in temperatures above 20 degrees Fahrenheit and should be planted in the summer if you want a winter harvest.
8. Celery
Celery is a simple plant that stays tiny enough to exist in a container throughout its life cycle. And Celery is also a good winter vegetable for those who reside in warmer climates, such as the southern United States. If you start with transplants, it will take about 120 days for your celery plant to grow and be ready to harvest.
9. Kale Winter Vegetables to Grow in Pots
Kale’s cold resistance and overall toughness make it not only a wonderful year-round vegetable but also one of the most dependable winter veggies. Kale plants will usually survive the winter without any cold protection. Even when there is significant frost, kale will survive and offer you with a nutritious dose of leafy greens to add to any cuisine.
10. Collard Greens
Collard greens are one of the cold-hardiest vegetable plants you can grow. Even if there is snow on the ground, your collard green plants will have a good chance of surviving the cold. Extreme frosts can be fatal to collard greens. These plants, however, have been found to survive the winter in regions as far north as hardiness zone 6, making them one of our favourite winter veggies to grow in pots.
11. Parsley Winter Vegetables to Grow in Pots
Parsley is an excellent herb to include in your winter vegetable container garden. These plants can withstand temperatures as low as ten degrees Fahrenheit, and their small size allows you to grow as many as you want in a huge pot. As with leeks, mounding a bit of soil around your parsley will increase the plant’s ability to survive while frost is present.
12. Kohlrabi
Kohlrabi grows best when temperatures remain above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and even better when temps remain above 60 degrees. However, this root vegetable may endure minor frosts from time to time. Plant your kohlrabi in a nice garden container about a month before the first frost, and it will be ready to harvest in approximately 60 days.
13. Leeks
If you start with seeds, it will take most of the year for your leeks to mature into a harvestable plant. Sow your seeds in the spring, and by the time fall arrives, you’ll have a harvest. This harvest can sometimes last all the way through the winter. It may be necessary to mound soil and mulch around the base of your leeks at times to help them endure chilly weather.
14. Parsnips
Parsnips acquire the best flavour when grown in areas with persistent chilly temperatures. Conditions ranging from 45 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal, however, these plants may also flourish in frigid temperatures. Ideally, you should harvest your parsnips before any strong freezes, but even light frosts at the beginning of winter are not harmful.
15. Radishes Winter Vegetables to Grow in Pots
Radishes are often harvested in November and have a good cold tolerance. After a few light frosts, this plant will be OK. Surprisingly, even if this plant is damaged by hard frosts, it will frequently re-sprout later when the weather warms up again. Radishes are another good choice for pots since they mature quickly.
16. Rutabagas
Whether the winter brings heavy frost or freezing temperatures, your rutabaga plants will most likely survive. If you prefer to grow your rutabagas in a container, make sure it is large enough to support the plant’s root system. With enough room to grow, rutabaga will produce an edible root that may be used in a variety of cuisines.
17. Turnip Winter Vegetables to Grow in Pots
One of the reasons turnips have grown so widely is that they can grow in a variety of regions, including ones with relatively cold winters. A turnip is a root vegetable that matures quickly, generally in less than ten weeks from seed. Give your turnip plants plenty of soil moisture and sunlight, and you’ll be rewarded with a harvest throughout the fall and winter.
18. Shallots
Shallots are related to onions and have a similar appearance and flavour. With so many parallels between these two veggies, it’s no wonder that they can be used in the same way in the kitchen. Shallots are also small enough that they can fit in a single container. If you reside in a mild environment, you should be able to grow shallots all winter.
19. Squash Winter Vegetables to Grow in Pots
You can cultivate a variety of squash in your garden, and many of them are called after the season in which they appear. There are various winter squash cultivars, for example, that can be harvested in the fall and winter. When these plants are mature, they will have a deep colour and a tough outer rind. These plants are also tiny enough to be grown in containers.
20. Swiss Chard
The health advantages of Swiss chard are astounding, but so is the plant’s flexibility. Surprisingly, Swiss chard can survive in relatively hot weather as well as frosts. Swiss chard will remain healthy and productive as long as the temperature stays above 15 degrees Fahrenheit, whether grown in the ground or in a pot. The leaves of this wonderful plant can be harvested in late winter and early spring.
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[…] to cultivate their own food all year.” Experts explain which crops to plant in your fall and winter vegetable gardens, regardless of the […]