How to Start Goat Farming? There are several reasons why goat farming is becoming increasingly popular. Goats are easier to house and feed than other hoofed agricultural beasts like cattle and pigs. A goat farmer will tell you that goats are both entertaining and profitable. They are sociable creatures with peculiar tendencies. Here’s how to begin goat farming.
What are Goat Farms?
Farms, where domestic goats are bred and raised, are known as goat farms. Goats are grown primarily for their milk, meat, and fiber. Although there are some crossover breeds, each goat breed was developed specifically for one of these uses (milk and meat goats). Any goat breed can be utilized for a relatively new goat farming purpose: bush clearing. They won’t consume tin cans, but they will eat underbrush and effectively kill it. Miniature goat farming is also popular due to the popularity of smaller goats as pets and in petting zoos.
How Much Does It Cost to Start a Goat Farm?
You may anticipate paying between $100 to $800 for registered breeding stock, with the registered female (doe) commanding the highest price. A registered milking goat, such as a Nubian, or a meat producer doe can cost around $1,200. You’ll need a male (buck) and numerous does to get started. Pregnant goats can also be purchased. A barn or shed is required, as well as goat-proof fencing, which is often a combination of “no climb” woven wire and electric fencing. If you have a cold, wet winter, you’ll need a place to give shelter and store hay.
The most basic milking equipment will set you back at least $1,500. Producing, processing, and selling milk, as well as adhering to label standards, will necessitate governmental inspection and license. This varies in each state, but it’s a good starting point. To pick up hay and transport goats, you’ll need a vehicle and a trailer.
How do Goat Farms Make Money?
- Goats are bred and sold.
- Purchase milk. Goats need to be milked twice a day and generate roughly a gallon of milk.
- Raise and market meat goats.
- Hire goats to eat brush and clear land.
- Raise goats for their fleece, which is sheared twice a year, washed, and spun into high-quality yarn.
- Sell dairy products like soap produced from milk.
- Sell goat fiber items such as fleece or yarn.
How to Start Goat Farming?

1. Choose the Type of Goat
- Meat
- Milking
- Fiber
- Miniature
- Rental
2. Select Your Goat Breed to Start Goat Farming
Dairy and meat are the two main options, and there are various breeds within those two categories. Meat goats are usually larger than other breeds. To generate milk, dairy types must be milked twice a day. At around 10 to 12 weeks of age, the male goat is “wethered” (castrated).
Let’s start with Goat Production 101. Every 21 days, it goes into heat. An intact buck will urinate on itself when the does are in heat. Because goat farmers understand the importance of mating timing, males are kept separate from females. The intact males, on the other hand, have a strong, disagreeable stench due to their habits.
Initially, you only need one dollar. Other males are “wethers” (castrated) at around 10 to 12 weeks old if they will not be utilized for breeding. They will not have the same odour as the intact male bucks. The Nigerian dwarf goat is one of the most popular tiny goat breeds. They get along well with other animals and are just plain cute.
3. Do a Market Survey
Is there any other goat farming in your area? What are they advocating? Any sort of goat farming is a niche; ensure that your new venture can compete. Visit your state’s Farm Show and speak with a few goat farmers. Subscriptions to farm journals and other resources are available.
4. Make Certain You Have the Required Qualifications and Knowledge of Goat Raising
They are tough animals, but they can get sick. You must train yourself to recognize any changes in behavior that may necessitate medicine or a visit to a veterinarian. To establish long-term feed providers, you’ll require planning skills. To maintain the electric fencing, build and repair animal housing, build and repair hay managers, and do other standard farm labour, you’ll need general contractor abilities. You must be someone who enjoys hard, outdoor work.
5. Create a Goat Farming Business Plan
A common feature of goat husbandry is the anticipation of losses as you grow stock. Assume you begin with one buck and three does. You now have 7 goat kids from the doe. However, because he is too closely connected, you cannot utilise your original buck to breed to the young females. He can be used to rebreed the three original does, but breeding the youngsters requires another buck (or a loaner).
- Install animal housing and fencing.
- Set up dependable hay and grain sources. Construct a shelter to keep hay and grain out of the elements.
- Purchase high-quality new goats to begin your goat farming venture.
- Make a breeding plan. Females go into heat every 21 days, as previously indicated. The gestation period lasts between 145 and 155 days. Births should be scheduled for the spring months, depending on your climate. Neutered males can coexist with females.
- Develop a marketing plan for where you will sell and how you will develop the herd.
- Set up money for veterinary expenses, which are an inevitable aspect of keeping animals. They are susceptible to infections, just like any other agricultural animal.
6. Name of Your Business
Select a name that matches the type of business you intend to run. Bleating Brush Clearers, for example, delivers a different message than Mikey’s Mini Kids.
7. Create a Legal Entity and Register Your Goat Farm
The LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is strongly recommended. An LLC makes sense because the species is infamous for escaping as a herd in a fence. They are quite athletic. Nearly anything is food to them, including your neighbors’ expensive landscape plants or farm produce. A company is usually registered with the Secretary of State. A sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation are also viable options.
8. Buy the Necessary Equipment to Start Goat Farming
In addition to the housing and fence, and hay storage area, you’ll need Mangers and hay racks, grain troughs (optimal design is accessible from outside the building, so the herd doesn’t crowd you, making feeding easier). Food should be stored dry. It is ideal to feed twice a day. Wheelbarrows, rakes and shovels, and water hoses
Trailer and truck
There is a separate space for pregnant (almost due) females, breastfeeding females, and children, as well as feeding areas for them.
9. Open a Business Bank Account
You should definitely have a separate company bank account and credit card.
10. Choose a Location and Consider Zoning
Agricultural zoning is most likely required. And there are rules to follow.
Understand your local zoning laws. Zoning laws vary by state. Hoofed agricultural cattle is typically counted by “animal unit.” Horses and cattle, for example, count as one unit each. Smaller animals, such as goats, sheep, and swine, require four to equal one unit.
- Typically, one unit is permitted per a half acre.
- In other words, if you fence off one acre, you can maintain up to eight goats.
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