How to Grow Potatoes in a Bucket? Potatoes are a major staple crop for many different civilizations and peoples around the world. Potatoes have been grown for generations all throughout the world. Seed potatoes come in at least a hundred types and can be eaten in a variety of ways. Even better, there are numerous methods for growing them, one of which is the focus of the day: growing potatoes in a bucket!
Although store-bought potatoes are inexpensive and plentiful, they may contain tiny quantities of pesticides. New potatoes are more vulnerable since they are harvested closer to the time pesticides are administered. This is only one of the reasons why many people choose to cultivate their own potatoes.
‘Yukon Gold’ and ‘Pontiac Red’ are two common kinds found in supermarkets. Sprouted potatoes that have been left in the bag may be too old to consume, but they are simple to multiply. Growing potatoes is almost free if you start with them. Some people do not have the necessary outside space or tools to cultivate potatoes.
Novice gardeners may be put off by the care potatoes require to grow, but it’s not as difficult as it appears. Fortunately for them, potatoes thrive in containers, grow bags (such as Root Pouch grow bags), pots, buckets, or the ground.
If you want to grow potatoes but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, cultivating potatoes in a 5-gallon bucket is a great way to test the waters. This method does not necessitate much prior gardening knowledge or effort. You’re good as long as your soil is amended with compost. Potatoes can be grown in buckets in a variety of ways.
How to Grow Potatoes in a Bucket?
1. Chit Your Potatoes to Grow Potatoes in a Bucket

Having chits on your potatoes helps your crop grow faster and results in an early harvest. The seed potatoes are placed in a sunny windowsill for a few weeks until the chits (AKA shoots or eyes) are about 3/4 of an inch long.
2. Cut And Scab Your Potatoes

When the chitting procedure is complete, your seed potatoes will most likely need to be chopped into smaller pieces for planting. The potato you plant should be no bigger than the size of a golf ball. Cut the potato into pieces with a few of chits on them. When you cut into the flesh, it will be damp; scab it over to dry before planting. Place the potatoes in a cold, dark place for a few days to achieve this.
3. Planting The Potatoes

Planting potatoes is simple. Fill your bucket, container, or fabric pot with 4-6″ of decent soil to begin. Make sure it’s evenly moist. Next, arrange the required number of potatoes (five in a 10-gallon, three in a 7-gallon, two in a 5-gallon) with their eyes up and about 8″ apart in the container.
Cover the potatoes with soil, about 2 inches deep. Tubers exposed to sunlight will develop health problems and reduce yield. Sprinkle bone meal on top of the soil and mulch. Water thoroughly, ensuring that the tubers receive an inch and a half of moisture per week.
Within a few weeks, you’ll notice the plants starting to grow. Backfill the buckets with extra dirt and mulch once the stalks are about 8″ tall, leaving only the tops exposed. Allow them to develop again, and keep covering with dirt until the container is nearly full. Continue watering when the containers are full. Fertilize on a regular basis with a phosphorus and potassium-rich product (5-10-10 is good).
4. Harvesting Potatoes

It is determined on the type of potato planted. There are early and main crop variants, with harvest times ranging from 15-20 weeks. Potatoes can be grown from sprouting ones in your veggie bin, but unless they are certified organic, the spuds have been coated with a growth inhibitor to postpone sprouting in storage.
Furthermore, planting genuine seed potatoes yields more potatoes. However, there may not be enough area for them to grow in the smaller container. Also, if you cut the potato into sections before planting, you must let the exposed inside flesh to dry for a few days before planting. If you don’t, your potato beginnings will decay instead of growing.
Also Read: How to Grow Potatoes in a Container?