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How to Grow Mint From Cuttings?

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How to Grow Mint From Cuttings

How to Grow Mint From Cuttings? Mint plant cuttings are simple to reproduce. Cut a healthy stem from the parent plant right below a node. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the stem and lay them in a glass of water or a rooting hormone. Keep it in a warm, sunny spot.

Mint, like many other herbs, may be cultivated in a variety of growth zones in the United States and around the world. Mint grows exceptionally well in Pennsylvania’s growing zones (where we cultivate our plants). And mint is an excellent addition to any herb garden, with a lovely green colour and the benefit of fresh mint in your kitchen.

Can Mint Be Grown From Cuttings?

Yes, mint cuttings, commonly known as propagating mint, can be grown. Propagating simply means generating a plant that is genetically identical to its parent through dividing, taking cuttings, and so on. Some plants are more difficult to replicate than others, but a little patience and plant care will result in your very own mint patch.

What Needs for Growing Mint From Cuttings?

You will need the following items to cultivate mint from cuttings:

  1. A tiny pot (at least 3′′ in diameter and with sufficient drainage) or a potting soil-filled growth area
  2. Water
  3. Hormone for rooting (optional)

Before we get into the precise processes, it should be emphasised that depending on the method utilised, growing mint from cuttings can be a time-consuming process. If you utilise a growth hormone, it may take up to a year before you can harvest and consume your new mint plant.

How to Grow Mint From Cuttings?

Grow Mint From Cuttings

1. Get a Hold of Some Mint

If you are growing your own mint, simply snip off some healthy, non-flowering sprigs. No need to clip off long shoots; 4-6′′ long sprigs will suffice. If you don’t already cultivate mint and don’t know anyone who might be willing to share theirs, most grocery stores or farmers’ markets sell packets or bouquets of fresh mint. While cutting sprigs right from the plant is best, some fresh sprigs of mint purchased should suffice to get started.

2. Strip Leaves Off the Bottom 2″ of the Mint Sprig

Once you have a mint sprig, remove the leaves off the bottom of the stem — you’ll want approximately 2′′ of the bare stem to serve as the foundation for future roots! If you want to propagate the sprig straight away, clip the tip at a 45-degree angle. This will give the sprig’s centre some new exposure. If you aren’t ready to propagate the sprigs, place them in the fridge, wrapped in a plastic bag.

3. Immerse the Stem in a Growth Hormone

At this time, you can dip the naked stem of the sprig into a rooting hormone. Using a growth hormone is optional, especially when it comes to a mint, which you will most likely consume afterwards. It may be necessary for some circumstances for healthier roots, although it is not always necessary.

If you do decide to utilise a growth hormone to promote a faster and healthier root system, you can get it in powder or gel form at your local garden centre. Simply immerse your stem in water, then in the growth hormone, and finally in moist soil. When propagating mint with a rooting hormone, keep in mind that most hormones (whether powder or gel) require a full year before consuming any portion of the plant.

4. Begin the Root Structure

If you choose to start the plant with a growth hormone, place the stem in a potting soil mix to guarantee proper drainage. Since these are simply wee sprigs at this point, placing them in a small pack or pot is recommended. This will allow you to move the plant if necessary. If you are not utilising a growth hormone, you should create a root structure before planting in the soil. To do this, place your mint plant in a glass of water, totally submerging the 2′′ naked stems. After 3-4 weeks, you should see roots emerging from the stem!

Once the roots have matured, the plant is ready to be planted in potting soil. Make sure the sprig’s stem is in good touch with the soil so that the root system may grow right away. When the soil temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, do this. Planting too early may result in sprigs that do not take root, while planting too late may result in a plant that fails to take off owing to the heat.

5. Wait 1-2 Months for Maturing Plant

It is best to keep your mint plant in a warm, humid environment. This climate is ideal for growing plants in a greenhouse! If not, you can accomplish a similar effect by covering the plant and container with a plastic bag. Depending on the exterior conditions in which you are growing, leaving the plant outside may be sufficient.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow after a few weeks, this could be due to transplant shock (plants, like humans, dislike fast change). Simply clip off the yellow leaves in this case and be ready for more development.

6. Care of Plant to Grow Mint From Cuttings

Now that you’ve started your plant, nurture it like any other young plant you’d buy from a greenhouse or growing centre. Making sure the mint plant gets enough sunlight, water (keeping the top layer of soil damp is ideal!) and care will be critical. The mint plant will eventually exceed its original container, and you may put this perennial right in the ground for mint for years to come!

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