How to Grow an Onion Indoors? Onions are a mainstay in every family kitchen, and many people wish they could cultivate them themselves. Unfortunately, for individuals who do not have a lot of areas to create their own garden, this is not always perfect. For individuals who want to grow onions but don’t have the space, learning how to grow onions indoors is a viable option.
Many individuals do not believe that growing onions indoors is the best alternative. However, there are numerous advantages to producing vegetables indoors rather than outdoors. There are numerous approaches to pursue while learning how to produce onions at home. Instead of spending hours at garden centres hunting for different onion seeds, onion sets, or transplants, some of these solutions merely involve a trip to the grocery store.
How to Grow an Onion Indoors?

Growers are longing to have a healthy store of fresh onions at home since onions are so versatile in the kitchen. Starting from seed, transplanting, and growing onion sets are all alternatives. Developing onions from seeds is the most time-consuming, growing bulb sets is the most difficult, and transplanting is the quickest. Regardless, learning how to grow onions at home is pretty straightforward once you understand how to care for them.
1. From Seed
When growing onions indoors, there are two options to adopt. If you intend to relocate your containers outside throughout the growing season, the best time to start growing green onions is in early spring, eight to ten weeks before the last frost date. If you reside in a warmer climate, consider planting seeds in late summer or early fall to overwinter.
After you’ve decided which onion seeds to cultivate, it’s time to plant them. To start the seedlings, use compact, four-inch-deep containers with drainage holes. When growing onions in containers, fill the pots halfway with seed-starting potting soil and then evenly sprinkle the seeds on top.
Planting onion seeds entails spraying the seeds with water and covering them with an additional potting mix about one-eighth inch deep. Gently press the dirt to ensure the seeds come into contact with the moist soil and germinate.
Cover the little containers with a container or humidity dome and set them in a warm area, like a sunny windowsill or under grow lights where they remain around 70°F. Remove the cover and place the seeds under grow lights once they begin to sprout. When the onion seedlings reach about three inches in height, they are ready to be transplanted into a larger pot to create bulbs.
2. From Existing Bulbs to Grow an Onion Indoors
If you already have the onion of your liking at home, whether onions or shallots, you have what you need to find out how to grow onions at home. Even though onions have shallow roots, they require a deep container of at least six inches in depth for planting green onion bulbs or red onions.
If you don’t give them enough room to grow, you’ll end up with little onions and a meagre yield. Fill the container with fresh potting soil, so there is still about one inch between the top of the soil and the container’s top. Remove the section of the onion that contains the roots.
Start putting onion bulbs into your planter and bury them about two inches deep. Cover the onion bulbs with dirt and water them until the soil is wet. This is also an excellent way to plant a sprouting onion found in your onion bag from the supermarket.
Place your container in a location that receives full daylight, or at least six hours of direct sunshine per day. If necessary, use growth lights and cover the soil with mulch to maintain heat and moisture. Raised beds are in increasing demand as a solution to cultivating in a small space. If planting onions in raised beds, ensure the space between each plant is four to five inches and at least 12 inches between rows.
3. With Water
Green onions are a bunching plant, and growing them indoors is one of the simplest vegetable gardening methods. Fill a glass with about three inches of chilly water when you bring home spring onions.
The term “independent” refers to a person who does not work for the government. The following is a list of the names of the people who will be able to join you at the table. Green onions regenerate and can be used for as long as you want.
What to Do with a Large Onion Harvest?
We sometimes have more onions than we know what to do with after a harvest. After all, how long do onions last? If you have an excess of onions that you don’t know how to preserve, turn them into a topping for steaks, sandwiches, and pot pies.
Cut your onions into pieces after peeling them. In a skillet, heat some olive oil until it coats the entire bottom, then add a couple of tablespoons of butter. Add the chopped onions to the heating pan and season them with salt.
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