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Easy Vegetables to Grow in Summer

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Easy Vegetables to Grow in Summer

Easy Vegetables to Grow in Summer. Summer is the peak of the growing season, and this is when the vegetable garden really comes into its own. While certain vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower, prefer the colder spring and fall temperatures, others, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers, require hotter conditions to thrive. Here are the greatest summer vegetables to cultivate, as well as some helpful hints.

Easy Vegetables to Grow in Summer

Vegetables to Grow in Summer
Vegetables to Grow in Summer

1. Tomatoes

Fresh homegrown tomatoes are difficult to top. A robust crop of these popular veggies requires several months of mild summer weather. Tomatoes are voracious eaters that require rich soil and fertiliser to thrive. For the best results, choose a location that receives full light and provides frequent water and additional fertiliser. Wait until nighttime temperatures are at least 55 degrees F before transplanting outside. To support fruits, plants will require trellising, caging, or staking.

2. Peppers

This adaptable warm-weather vegetable comes in hundreds of distinct types, ranging from mild to scorching hot. Plants must be started indoors or purchased as nursery starts due to the long growing period. Plant outside only when nighttime temperatures are consistently 60 degrees F or higher. Peppers grow best in a sunny location with rich, well-draining soil. When planting, add an all-purpose fertiliser made for vegetables to the soil and keep plants evenly hydrated. Staking or caging will be required to keep the plants from bending over or breaking due to the weight of the fruit.

3. Berries

Berries, while not vegetables, are an essential component of every edible landscape. For a longer harvest, select types that bear fruit at different periods throughout the year. Choose dwarf cultivars that can be grown in containers if you have limited room. Cross-pollination of blueberries requires at least two plants, although other varieties are self-pollinating. Make sure to research each type’s cultural requirements. Plant in broad sun, keep plants well watered over the summer, and cover with bird netting as the berries ripen.

4. Cucumber Vegetables to Grow in Summer

These heat seekers are a popular crunchy addition to salads, as well as snacks for pickling. Wait till the soil temperature reaches 60-70 degrees F before direct sowing seeds for the greatest results. Allow these vining plants to sprawl or train them on a fence or trellis. Make sure plants get sufficient of water on a regular basis to avoid bitter or deformed fruit. Harvest frequently to foster the growth of new fruit.

5. Melons

One of the summer’s greatest pleasures is biting into a luscious, juicy melon slice. To produce ripe, delicious fruit, melons require a lot of heat, water, quality soil, and fertiliser. Choose a south-facing location with reflected heat and plenty of room for vines to grow. Plant from nursery starts or wait until the soil temperature reaches 65-70 degrees F before sowing seeds. Warm the soil and accelerate plant growth by using heat-enhancing technologies such as a cloche or black plastic.

6. Summer Squash

These heat-loving vegetables, unlike winter squash, do not store well and are best eaten fresh. Green and yellow zucchini, crookneck, straight neck, pattypan, and zephyr are among the varieties. Select a sunny location with rich, well-draining soil. When the soil temperature hits 70 degrees F, plant in rows or hills and direct sow seeds. Plants require one to two inches of water every week. To lessen the danger of foliar disease, use drip watering. Female flowers that bear fruit follow male blossoms.

7. Beans

Beans are a nutritional powerhouse and one of the best sources of vegetal protein. Aside from the ever-popular green beans, there are also black, pinto, lima, and fava beans to cultivate. Sow seed outside when the soil temperature reaches 60 degrees F and the air temperature ranges from 65 to 85 degrees F. Pole beans can be collected from mid-summer to fall, whereas bush beans can be sowed every couple of weeks for a continuous production throughout the summer. To maximise output, use space-saving trellises and containers.

8. Corn

Fresh sweet corn is a classic summer crop and a popular snack at barbecues and picnics. To produce soft, plump kernels, this fast-growing food requires a lot of fertiliser and water. To achieve successful cross-pollination, plant in 4 × 4 foot squares or many rows. For the finest flavour, harvest right before eating, freezing, or preserving. Grill fresh ears and experiment with different toppings like aioli, pesto, mayonnaise, or fresh herbs for a unique flavour.

9. Eggplant Vegetables to Grow in Summer

When sown in the heat of summer, this delectable vegetable is prolific and simple to grow. To warm the soil and stimulate growth in chilly climes, utilise heat-enhancing measures such as a cloche or black plastic mulch. Allow lots of sunlight, quality soil, and regular watering. For the finest flavour, pick fruits when they are young. Brush eggplant slices with olive oil and cook on the grill for a quick and easy side dish. Garnish with fresh herbs, cheese, pesto, or other condiments and season with salt and pepper.

10. Greens Vegetables to Grow in Summer

Though salad greens are typically a cool-weather crop, there are ways to enjoy fresh greens all summer. Choose heat-tolerant types such as Malabar spinach and New Zealand spinach. Mustard, collards, and Swiss chard can withstand both heat and cold. Even normal lettuce can be grown in the heat of July if provided enough shelter and water. Re-seed every few weeks and harvest when the leaves are young. When the soil temperature rises above 80-85 degrees F, the rate of germination reduces. ‘Jericho,’ ‘Red Sails,’ and ‘Buttercrunch’ lettuce cultivars are heat-resistant.

11. Okra

Okra, a Southern staple, is used to thicken soups, stews, and Creole gumbo. Because of its remarkable resistance to heat and drought, this easy-to-grow vegetable flourishes in warmer climates. After germination, edible seed pods are generated in 50-60 days. When the soil temperature hits 65-70 degrees F, direct sow seeds in rich, well-draining soil. Although okra is drought-tolerant, it generates higher yields when watered on a regular basis. For optimum texture and productivity, harvest a few days after flowering while the pods are still little.

12. Peas Vegetables to Grow in Summer

Peas are typically a cool-weather crop, but they can be replanted in mid to late summer for a fall harvest. Find your average first frost date, remove the days to maturity indicated on the seed packaging, and allow an extra week for germination to determine the ideal time to plant. To hasten germination, immerse seeds in water overnight. To assist reduce soil temperature, shade new seedlings from the sun during the hottest part of the day and mulch with organic matter. Keep plants well watered in order for blooms and pods to develop.

13. Sweet Potatoes

This high-nutrient vegetable is high in beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, fibre, and trace minerals. This tuberous vegetable, unlike conventional potatoes, is tropical in nature and requires several months of heat to grow. Plant tuber slips in a sunny location with rich, well-draining soil after the soil temperature reaches at least 60 degrees F. Maintain uniform moisture with 1 inch of water every week. When the foliage begins to turn yellow, stop watering 2 to 3 weeks before harvest.

14. Tomatillos

This tomato relative’s little spherical green fruits grow inside papery husks. The sour fruits are a staple in Mexican cuisine, where they are used to make green salsa or enchilada verde sauce. Tomatillos are particularly cold-sensitive, preferring soil temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Start seedlings indoors four weeks before the final frost date, or buy nursery-grown plants. Most kinds mature in 75-100 days. For successful cross-pollination, grow two or more plants.

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