Best Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Illinois. While many people connect the Midwest with maples, oaks, and other types of deciduous trees, it is easy to forget that fruit trees can be grown effectively in Illinois. Apple trees, cherry trees, peach trees, pear trees, and berry-producing bushes are among the many fruit trees that thrive in Illinois.
Fruit trees will not only bring colour and beauty to your environment as they bloom in the spring, but they will also offer you fresh, delicious fruit in the autumn. In this article, we will go over the different varieties of fruit trees that may be grown in Illinois, as well as the best techniques for caring for your fruit trees to get the most out of them. Top 18 Best Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Illinois.
If you’re going to try growing your own food this year, a good place to start is by selecting the crops that provide the best return on investment. Experienced gardeners rapidly discover that certain types of homegrown vegetables perform better than others. 18 Best Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Illinois 2023. Choices like onions and peppers, for example, perform consistently well with few setbacks across most of the country, but crops like broccoli and spinach frequently face pest threats and have rather narrow planting time windows.
Best Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Illinois
Here is the list of 18 Best Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Illinois:

1. Nectarine Trees
Nectarine trees can be successfully grown across northern Illinois and even parts of central Illinois. Nectarines bear fruit on one-year-old wood, thus they require ample room for an open canopy and must be pruned annually to promote fruiting. These trees are also susceptible to fungal and bacterial diseases, which can destroy the fruit and render it inedible. Sunglo, Redchief, Early Flame, Redgold, and Cavalier are the best nectarine trees to grow in the Chicago area.
2. Cherry Trees
Cherry trees are classified into two types: sour cherries and sweet cherries. Sweet cherry trees thrive in central and southern Illinois, whereas sour cherry trees thrive throughout the state, including northern Illinois and the Chicago area. Sour cherry trees should be planted in well-drained soil in a location where they will receive full sunlight. Every year once a cherry tree matures, it must be pruned. To prevent cherry leaf spot disease, you should also treat your sour cherry trees with the appropriate fungicides. Mesabi, Suda Hardy, Meteor, Montmorency, and North Star are the best cherry tree varieties to grow in northern Illinois.
3. Peach Trees
Many species of peach trees can be planted in central and southern Illinois, but they are not sturdy enough to withstand the cold winters of northern Illinois. The Reliance kind of peach tree does well in northern Illinois. Peach trees, like nectarine trees, develop quickly and require space for their core canopy to open. Because peaches develop on one-year-old shoots, they require intensive annual trimming. Brown rot on peach trees can be avoided using fungicide spraying and bacterial spot infections.
4. Berry Bushes
Northern Illinois can support a wide range of berry bushes, including strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, and gooseberries. These berry-producing bushes should be planted as early in the spring as possible in well-drained soil and full sun. They thrive in soil with a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5 and organic matter added to the soil. For the finest small fruit crops to produce in northern Illinois, examine this advice from the University of Illinois.
5. Apple Trees
Many people think of apple trees as the first fruit trees that come to mind, and they are the most popular fruit trees planted on private property in northern Illinois. Apple trees must be planted in well-drained soil with full sunlight and deep enough to accommodate the root system. To achieve cross-pollination, grow two distinct types of apple trees. Apple scab is the most prevalent disease that infects apple trees, however, scab-resistant types exist, including Prima, Pristine, and Goldrush. A complete list of apple tree types that can grow in northern Illinois can be found in this resource from the University of Illinois.
6. Persimmons Trees
Persimmons are high-nutritional-value fruits that ripen in the early fall, from September to October. Persimmon trees are classified into two types: Asian and American variants. American persimmon trees are larger than Asian kinds and require lots of space to flourish, reaching heights of 35 to 50 feet. These trees are cold-tolerant and disease and pest-resistant, allowing them to thrive in northern Illinois. They should be pruned every year so that they can produce adequate shade. Plant two American varieties of persimmon trees because an Asian and an American variety will not cross-pollinate.
7. Pear Trees
There are numerous pear tree varieties that can be planted in Illinois, but they must be properly cared for in order to avoid the bacterial disease of fire blight. Plant at least two distinct varieties of pear trees in well-drained soil with ample sunlight for cross-pollination. These trees do not require as harsh pruning as other fruit trees, and fertilisation should be done with caution because too much fertiliser will make them more susceptible to fire blight. Starking Delicious, Maxine, Moonglow, and Seckel are the greatest pear tree varieties to grow, while Maxine and Starking Delicious will not pollinate one other. Redhaven and Yellow Contender pear trees produce fruit on their own.
8. Plum Trees
Plum trees are classified into two types: European and Japanese. European plum trees are the finest to grow in northern Illinois because they are sturdy enough to tolerate cold weather and resist several bacterial leaf spot illnesses. European plum varieties should be planted in well-drained soil with full sunlight, and at least two different varieties should be planted for cross-pollination. Both kinds must be European in order for cross-pollination to occur. Black knot disease, the most important hazard to European plum trees in Illinois, must be avoided. Yellow Egg, Stanley, Dietz, Green Gage, Bluefre, and Damson are the best European plum kinds to plant.
9. Tomatoes
- They’re not the easiest crops to grow in locations prone to blight and excessive heat, but the payback is enormous. A home-grown tomato selected at peak ripeness has a taste and nutritional value light years ahead of retail stuff.
- The combination of the cost of store-bought tomatoes and the expected yield – even when disease interrupts production – makes tomato gardening the best investment.
- Tomato plants are simple to grow from seed, and the fruits are suitable for canning, freezing, and eating fresh. Plants should be staked to save space.
10. Peppers
- Hot and sweet bell peppers are both easy to cultivate and have minimal in-garden issues. They thrive in warm temperatures.
- Yields are good, store costs are reasonable, and peppers are nearly as adaptable in the kitchen as tomatoes.
- The main disadvantage is that it takes weeks longer and has a higher risk of loss if you want maximum nutrition, completely mature red/orange/yellow fruits. Green peppers are totally edible but have not fully ripened.
11. Cucumbers
- If you can get rid of the disease-spreading cucumber bugs, you’ll be swimming in fresh cucumbers for months. Cukes can be turned into pickles or relish to increase their worth even further.
- Cucumbers are inexpensive and simple to grow from seed put directly in the yard.
- Avoid using pesticides and space out your yield by sowing new seeds every few weeks during the summer. If the older plants are killed by wilt, the new plants will take up production.
12. Asparagus
- Asparagus is one of the few perennial vegetables that may produce weeks’ worth of healthy shoots every year for decades.
- Because it is a one-time planting, the long-term investment is substantial, especially given the price of store-bought asparagus. Give asparagus its own patch to prevent spreading shoots from contaminating other crops.
- The main threat is weeds, though plants are occasionally attacked by beetles. Otherwise, asparagus is drought-tolerant, low-maintenance, and even attractive when the ferny leaves open after harvest.
13. Onions/Leeks/Shallots/Garlic
- Almost little upsets the onion family. Simply keep these crops irrigated, and they’ll be among the cheapest and easiest to raise.
- Onions are inexpensive at supermarkets, but they keep well and are versatile.
- Despite their ease of cultivation, leeks, shallots, and garlic have a high market value, making them winners in any cost/benefit comparison.
14. Squash
- Excess-harvest jokes about zucchini are legendary, but practically all summer squashes are tireless producers – until mildew or squash vine borers destroy them. However, even a short-circuited crop will have paid you back handsomely for the little expense of seed by then.
- Both squash problems are solvable, or you can apply the same approach as with cucumbers and seeds numerous times for a backup supply.
15. Lettuce
- Leaf kinds are the easiest to grow and will keep producing delicious spring salads until the heat turns them bitter. However, new crops can be sown in cool areas for the fall and even into the winter in milder climates or with protection.
- Growing lettuce from direct-planted seed is inexpensive. The major challenge is to keep the rabbits from beating you to the crop.
16. Rhubarb
- Rhubarb, like asparagus, is a perennial vegetable. The stalks your developing plants will produce each season will provide you with years of strawberry/rhubarb pies and strawberry/rhubarb jelly.
- Except for decaying in wet clay (which is a no-no in any vegetable garden), rhubarb is low-maintenance and long-lasting. Even if you don’t eat it, it’s a striking, tropical-looking plant with huge leaves and crimson stalks.
- It should be noted that only the stalks are edible. Because the leaves are high in oxalic acid, they should be removed when harvested.
17. Snow Peas
- With these, timing is everything. Snow peas are eaten pods and all and are great for fresh snacking as well as stir-fries.
- The secret is that they prefer to keep things cool. Plant pea seeds immediately in the garden in chilly climates as soon as the ground thaws in spring. Plant seeds in warm climates from early fall through the end of winter as a winter to early spring harvest.
- Grow the vines up a fence or similar support to save room, and they’ll provide you with weeks of pod-picking until the heat kills them.
18. Beans
- Bush beans are another low-cost seed-grown crop that normally gives several pickings before the pods begin to shrivel. Beans can be planted multiple times from spring to summer because they are among the quickest from seed to harvest.
- Pole beans twine up supports and continue to produce for weeks or even months – much longer than typical bush beans, which grow to a height of 12 to 18 inches.
- Beans are usually dependable, with the exception of groundhog and rabbit assaults and the occasional encounter with a beetle.