Home » How Deep Do Sweet Potatoes Grow?

How Deep Do Sweet Potatoes Grow?

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How Deep Do Sweet Potatoes Grow

How Deep Do Sweet Potatoes Grow? Growing sweet potatoes in raised beds is a terrific place to start if you have the space to spare. Our sweet potato container gardening guide will walk you through every step of the process, no matter what size area you have. Growing sweet potatoes in my cooler climate is very difficult, but not impossible.

How Deep Do Sweet Potatoes Grow?

Deep Do Sweet Potatoes Grow

Sweet potatoes can grow up to 30cm deep, but most are only 15-20cm deep. If they hit a stumbling block at the foot of the bed, they will grow fatter rather than longer, so it isn’t a big deal. However, to avoid straining the sweet potato plant, make your beds as deep as possible.

1. Vertical Growth or Trailing

Even if your climate is ideal for trailing sweet potatoes, I would always recommend vertical growing. This allows you to grow more crops in a smaller space while increasing yields. Sweet potato tubers grow downwards into the earth from the plant’s crown, and if harvested gently, they will be linked by a single main root. The tubers will not reach very far into the soil, but the sweet potato plant will develop a great amount of top growth.

A fantastic solution is to build a frame out of bamboo or bean poles and route twine from that frame down to each plant. You’ll have plenty of material to tie vines too, and you’ll be able to keep an eye on the plant’s base as well. Sweet potatoes do not require pollination, so grow them in grids, rows, or individual places. Consider deadheading the flowers on a regular basis to maintain vitality flowing down to the roots.

2. Soil conditions to Sweet Potatoes Grow

Growing sweet potatoes on raised beds follows the same criteria as growing them in containers. To thrive, they require a lot of organic material and sufficient drainage. Make room in your raised beds for a good layer of fresh manure, followed by straw or newspaper. The growing medium is the soil or compost mix on top of that.

If you’re using an existing raised bed and using no-dig, begin the process in early winter by thoroughly mulching with fresh or partially rotten manure, which will impart its goodness on your beds in time for planting next year.


Growing a tropical plant in a temperate area is usually a trial-and-error process, but it’s well worth it if you’re up for the task. Sweet potatoes keep you well and will provide a nice harvest to get you through the hungry period.

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