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What to Plant in September in Florida?

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What to Plant in September in Florida

What to Plant in September in Florida? While September marks the beginning of fall, the summer’s searing temperatures may not diminish for some time. Use these recommendations based on Florida’s climate regions to determine what you should plant this month. You can identify your area with the gardening region map.

What to Plant in September in Florida?

Plant in September in Florida

1. North Florida

Bedding Plants: North Florida gardeners may spruce up and brighten up their summer gardens with ageratum, celosia, zinnia, and wax begonia.

Bulbs: Throughout September, plant Elephant’s Ear variations to add colour and texture to your garden, as well as calla, narcissus, and zephyr lily.

Herbs: While the weather cools, plant Mexican tarragon, mint, rosemary, and basil, which can all withstand the high temps of early fall.

Vegetables: Plant cool-season veggies like radishes, cabbage, carrot, and lettuce this month.

2. Central Florida

Bedding Plants: Gardeners in north Florida should plant ageratum, celosia, zinnia, and wax begonia to revitalise their summer beds.

Bulbs: Elephant Ear bulbs of various sorts are ideal for adding colour, texture, and pattern to the garden.

Herbs: Mint, basil, and rosemary are excellent herbs to grow in early fall because they can withstand heat.

Vegetables: Start planting for fall in September—celery, cabbage, lettuce, and collards are all excellent cool-season vegetables.

3. South Florida to Plant in September in Florida

Bedding Plants: For colour in the fall, south Florida gardeners should grow crimson sage, nasturtium, celosia, and wax begonia.

Bulbs: While Elephant’s Ear types can be planted, gladiolus can be planted every two weeks to stagger blooming—be sure to stake each plant.

Herbs: Plant herbs that can grow in early fall temperatures, such as Mexican tarragon, rosemary, mint, and basil, in areas such as north and central Florida.

Vegetables: Use transplants from your local garden centre to get your garden off to a fast start. If you want more variety, though, then produce cool-season crops, such as broccoli, cabbage, collards, and lettuce, from seeds.

Also Read: How to Grow Grapes in Florida?

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