How to Start Sheep Farming? Sheep farming is a valuable business since they may be raised for meat, wool, and milk. Furthermore, it is less complicated than most other cattle. Sheep farming is the process of growing and breeding sheep on a commercial farm to produce a profit. This includes feeding, protecting, managing, and so on. At the same time, it offers information that is tailored to local conditions, breeds, production methods, and markets. The demand for mutton and milk is currently expanding. So, I’ve been frequently asked how to begin keeping sheep on farms and would like to provide some advice.
How to Start Sheep Farming?

The first step in beginning a business is to learn about it. You should investigate your local climate, land availability, what permissions are required, how much it will cost, and which breeds are ideal for your area. Generally, people start their farms in summer because winter care can be tough. You should begin planning your farm after knowing more about sheep farming. Doing research will help you get started on a small-scale project to see if it’s something you want to pursue.
1. Select the Appropriate Location for Your Farm
You may select an abandoned, fully enclosed, or hybrid system. It was a grazing-based and landless production technique for sheep. To manage your business properly, you must select a location suited for sheep farming. The climate should be temperate with high humidity levels. You must ensure that there are no predators in the vicinity, and if there are, you must take precautions to keep them from accessing your farm.
Examine any water scarcity issues and their influence on grass and vegetation. It would be advantageous if you also had enough fodder and grasses for sheep feed, as well as natural meadows for grazing them. Before you begin, ensure that you have all of the necessary resources, such as land, finance, and personnel. If necessary, the source for these requirements is ahead of time. Purchase books on sheep farming to stay up to date on the latest developments.
2. Collecting The first Batch of Lambs
Sheep are sociable animals that rarely have a pure character or attempt to flee when left alone. As a result, each enclosed area should have at least two sheep. Continue reading to learn whether to buy a male or female lamb.
3. Build a Fence to Start Sheep Farming
The sheep are excellent at shaking through tight holes and scrambling up the wall. Fences 1.5 meters or more in height with strong “anti-climate” nets attached to the poles, on the other hand, will be more difficult to climb or pass through than fences constructed with horizontal bars. If you have both male and female sheep, you must erect a separate, extremely long, fixed fence to keep the male sheep contained. This barrier will keep male sheep from approaching sheep in heat, preventing them from mating unintentionally.
We should not keep sheep of different sizes together unless they are mother sheep, in which case a sheep is a child.
Male sheep can be hostile when housed with females, so keep them apart even if you are not concerned about the sheep’s accidental pregnancy.
4. Prepair A Shelter for Winter
Sheep require protection when it is cold or raining. A sheep can fit in a small pen. Densely coated sheep may withstand cold weather but consult with professional sheep breeders first. The barn has three walls to facilitate air circulation if you reside in a moderate environment. If you keep sheep in such a spot during the cold winter months, you must make a stable entire and keep them out of the wind, but the sheep should be taken out during the day. Sheep despise and despise rain. If you live in a region with a lot of rainfall, you may require an indoor cage.
5. Understand The Basic Sheep Care
Sheep can live for up to 15 years and require basic care such as food, water, housing, and cleaning. Make sure your flock has new grass and hay every day, as well as plenty of clean water. This farming is quite promising because it requires less attention. However, whether you’re keeping sheep for meat or wool, you may need to take extra precautions.
Sheep breed quickly and can spend the day in unoccupied crop fields near roadsides and orchards. Farm management software can keep you up to speed on the status of your sheep farming operation. Sheep require special attention to ensure their health. Make sure your water supply is clean and that you have plenty of shade for them in hot times.
Here’s what you should do.
- Feet Trimming
- Shearing
- Deworming
- Vaccinating
6. Learn Food Management Techniques for Sheep
If they don’t have adequate nutrients, they will not produce valuable wool or meat. As a result, they should be provided with high-quality hay and pasture in the spring, summer, and fall. You should have at least 1.5 acres for ten ewes and 2-3 acres for ten rams. Feeding your sheep will be one of your most expensive expenses. However, when giving, you must decide what type of food to purchase.
It is normally preferable to choose full feed, which includes both hay and grain. Despite the fact that the total feed is more expensive than hay alone. It has numerous advantages, including increased weight gain, decreased bloat risk, longer wool fiber growth, and a higher lamb survival rate.
When there is no grass in their grazing area during the winter months, make sure they get at least five hours of good-quality hay per day. However, your flock would require 4 acres or more for the best weight gain and effective conversion of grasses into the meat. As a basic guideline, your sheep should consume 1% of their body weight in dry matter (hay/grass) per day. The more grass they can get their hands on, especially in warmer weather, the less grain they’ll need to supplement with.
7. Breeding to Start Sheep Farming
If you wish to milk female sheep or have babies, you must breed them when they reach breeding age. When the female sheep become overheated, take them from the flock and place them in the male sheep’s cage without doing the opposite.
Typically, 2-4 incisions are sufficient to ensure a pregnant female sheep. A sheep’s gestation duration is 150 days on average, however, it varies by breed. However, you must stick to the sheep breeding schedule.
Also Read: How much Does it Cost to Feed a Cow?