How to Grow Orange Trees in Pots? Though growing citrus in pots in the north is difficult, it is extremely rewarding. Consider picking your own Meyer lemons, Bearss limes, and Satsuma or Calamondin oranges. Yes, they require some attention, but indoor citrus is well worth growing. And here’s the kicker: even if you never harvest a single fruit, citrus plants are worth growing for their incredibly fragrant blossoms and lovely, glossy foliage.
How to Grow Orange Trees in Pots?

1. Choose a Variety
Because they don’t grow as large as some of the other options, the citrus cultivars I described above are ideal for container growth. Purchase a mature or semi-mature plant from a citrus-specific greenhouse. Online retailers will deliver directly to your door. Do not buy a plant that is already in bloom or producing fruit. If you do, all of the blooms and fruit will most likely fall off as the plant adjusts to its new environment.
2. Location to Grow Orange Trees in Pots
The most common error people make when growing citrus in pots indoors is not providing enough light during the winter months. Use a grow light like this one in a bright room and keep the plant away from doors that open frequently. You should also keep it away from heat registers.
3. Regularly Water
Citrus prefers constant moisture. Prolonged dryness can result in the loss of bud, flowers, and fruit. But don’t go overboard on the water. Excessive amounts can cause the leaves to wilt and turn yellow. If feasible, water your citrus plant in the sink. Allow the water to flush through the pot before allowing the soil to drain completely. Make certain that the pot’s base is never submerged in water.
4. Play Pollinator
Citrus flowers typically bloom in the winter, when the plant is indoors and no insects are around to pollinate the flowers. If your plant blooms inside, use an electric pollination tool to transport pollen from flower to flower on each plant. This crucial step is sometimes overlooked by individuals who are new to growing citrus in pots.
5. Need of Sun to Grow Orange Trees in Pots
During the summer, relocate your citrus plant to a patio or deck. Place the pot so that it gets morning sun till approximately one o’clock in the afternoon. To avoid leaf scald and heat stress, keep the plant in the shade throughout the hottest portion of the day. Keep it watered on a regular basis and prevent letting it entirely dry up.
6. Fertilize
Fertilize your citrus plant every two to three weeks during the growing season (late March to early August) using a liquid, organic fertilizer – such as liquid kelp, seaweed, or fish emulsion – or organic granular fertilizer. Fertilize in the winter, when new growth should be discouraged. In late March, apply a modest amount of organic granular fertilizer to encourage new growth at the start of the season.
7. Don’t Panic!
It’s important to remember that, like many other tropical plants, citrus can frequently lose many or all of their leaves when transferred outdoors at the start of the season or indoors at the conclusion. This leaf drop is entirely natural. It’s the plant’s way of responding to varying levels of light. New leaves that are more suited to the new light levels will emerge. Give the plant some time.
8. Move it back inside
When nighttime temps fall into the 50s in the fall, it’s time to bring your citrus plant inside. Again, choose the brightest area possible and avoid cold draughts.
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